Monday, June 7, 2010

A very long post....

Hello everyone!

Well, it's been a little while since my last Atticus update, so I just wanted to let everyone know what's been going on lately.  First, Atticus turned 8 months old yesterday!!  Where has the time gone?!  It doesn't seem like he's been home for 2 1/2 months already...and it certainly doesn't seem like it's been 8 months ago since we began Atticus' journey with him.  I am so thankful that I have had this long to spend with him, and that he is doing so incredibly well; especially after such a rough 1st month!

Well, what have we been up to lately?  On this past Tuesday, June 1st, we went to Charleston to have a check-up with the folk from Peds Surgery that placed Atticus' G-tube.  It was just basically showing me how to change his button (which I already knew how to do thanks to Wanda!) and to make sure everything looked good, see if we had any questions, etc.  They were happy with everything, so he got a slightly bigger size button, and that was it.  We also stopped by the PCICU to say hello to all our lovely nurses and docs--who were very happy to see that Atticus is doing so well, and getting so big!  He's up to about 18.5 lbs and 28.5 inches long!!!  My big boy!

Next, on Wednesday, we went to Columbia to visit Dr Williams with cardiology.  Dr Williams was happy with the way Atticus' heart sounded, and decided not to do another echocardiogram because he said the poor boy has had to sit through enough of them.  Plus, with him being so far out post-operatively; there was really no point.  He didn't make any changes to Atticus' meds, and we'll be back to see him in about 2 months.

Then, on Thursday, we went back to Columbia to visit with Dr Brown from pulmonology.  He was also very happy with Atticus.  He said that he could tell a definite improvement in the sound of Atticus' lungs.  He said it didn't sound like he was wheezing or rattling as much when he took a breath.  He also decided to keep things as is on his meds, because he does still have a lot of healing to do with the Pulmonary Hypertension.  He was so happy with his improvement, though, that we don't even have to back to visit him for another 4 months!! :)  (Which makes my gas tank happy! LOL)

We've also been a few times to visit with Atticus regular pediatrician, Dr Goldberg.  She is happy with the way Atticus is progressing, both physically and developmentally.  She's been trying to slowly increase his feeds, and we've been continuing to try to feed Atticus at least a few bites of food by mouth.  Sometimes he does better than others, but we keep trying!

Atticus has also starting receiving his Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, and speech therapy.  PT works on his gross motor skills, OT works on his fine motor skills, and Speech works on his mouth...including working on helping him learn how to swallow, coordinate his tongue, etc.  He has a lot of work to do to catch up on all areas of his development, but all the ladies have been fairly impressed with his attitude, his abilities, and his personality.  We still have to follow up with his audiologist, Dr Little, to see what exactly she wants to do now that we know Atticus has moderate hearing loss in both ears, but she has said that whatever we decide; she wants it in place by the time he's 9 months old.

We'll have another 2 appointments in Charleston this upcoming Tuesday.  One is for the high risk assesment, which just checks on his developmental delays, etc.  And the other is another barium swallow study to see how he's progressing with the healing of his vocal chords and his ability to coordinate his swallowing.  (Hint, hint to all my ladies in the PC!)  I'll try to remember to update how those go sometime next week.

And finally, Atticus and the rest of us are adjusting nicely to being home.  He's so alert and active; he continues to amaze me everyday.  He's always so happy, no matter what he's going through, he is someone to learn from.  He can just be choking and gaging during one of his feeds, but as soon as he's settled out; he's back to smiling and laughing, just like nothing happened.  He's also cutting teeth right now (the bottom front two are already in!), and he's really not fussy or cranky.  He gnaws on his fingers like crazy, but he's still always happy.  Even when getting more than one at a time!!  It's almost like he's saying, "Pain?  This isn't pain...just annoying!"  :)

I thank God each and every day for the gift that is Atticus.  Not only for him being my son and sparing his life, but also for all the valuable lessons that I've learned along the way.  I've drawn so much closer to God, and I've learned that He really is always in control.  I'm continually amazed at the ways that He continues to bless us each day.  Just as an example....I really needed to go to the grocery store the past few days, but I just haven't found the time with Atticus and all the appointments we've had this week.  Also, we've been a little short on money because I've had to travel so much, and we've had to get a new faucet, service the air conditioner, etc.  Well, one of the ladies that comes to Publix all the time, whom Valerie calls one of her "coupon ladies", came in to find out how Atticus had been doing since coming home.  She brought Valerie a literal trunk full of groceries for us!  Not only did she have food, but 2 whole bags of various non-grocery items like tissues, toilet paper, ziploc bags, etc that I had needed as well!  I have never met this lady, and she had no way of knowing that I needed these things. But God bless her!  It's just awesome how God works in our daily lives! 

Thanks for everyone's continued prayers!  We still have a long road ahead. I'll try to remember to update a little more regularly!  As always, keep on prayin'!

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