Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quick update

Well, just a quick update for today.  Atticus has offically been home for 2 months as of today.  It seems so hard to believe.  It seems like the days in the PCICU were so very long ago.  Each day with Atticus is a little miracle.  It seems that no matter what he goes through; he remains this little positive, happy guy.  He can have a coughing fit, which causes him to throw up, and he's smiling and laughing again within moments of when he's finished.  He is really a lesson to the rest of us.

I also wanted to update everyone on Atticus' hearing.  We finally had a hearing test done, and we've discovered that Atticus does have moderate hearing loss in both ears.  His right ear is slightly worse than his left ear, which really isn't surprising since most of the damage from the Cath procedure happened on his right side.  The good news is that it's only moderate (vs severe or total), so it's completely manageable.  We'll be following up with Dr Little (his audiologist) to see what exactly she wants to do about it.  I know that whatever she decides to do; she had already said that she wants it done by the time Atticus reaches 9 months old to be able to give him the best shot at verbal/language skills.  As always, keep on prayin'!

P.S. I'm going to upload some new pictures we had made of him this past Thursday!  He is getting so big!  And yes, he's still on oxygen, we just snuck off the air tube for the pictures!

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