Thursday, July 5, 2012

One week....

So its down to just one week until Atticus' Fontan. Less than 7 days to go. We've had all our final visits from our therapists. We stopped Atticus' aspirin regiment a week ago. Only 3 days of work left for me. And Atticus has managed to catch a cough.

It seems like mostly sinuses/allergies. Plus with the recent heat wave, its made everything super dry. I took him to the doctor before the weekend, and she says his lungs sound good (for him). I also followed up with MUSC on Monday to get their opinion. They want me to follow up with the pediatrician again this Friday, just to be sure it still sounds the same, and that we still think its just sinus/allergy related, and then we'll decide if we're still on for July 11th.

I have so much to do, and its like watching sand run out if an hourglass. I feel like part of me wants to prep for a 2 week stay; part of me wants to prepare for another 6 month nightmare. Part of me wants to think I've gotten most things prepared, aside from some laundry and odds and ends; part of me is doing figures like an old accountant screaming, "Did you save enough for this?", "What about this expense?", while another part is an old, nagging mother going over a "to-do" list that looks like something out of a cartoon with NOTHING crossed off. Not to mention the part of me that wants to remain cool, calm and collected while the other part is an emotional madwoman.

To say this is all overwhelming is the understatement of the decade. I have known this day would come for over 3 years, but I'm still not ready. There are things I know I could have done to make myself feel better prepared. Then I try to remember I'm only human. But then, along comes this cough, and now I'm not even sure if we'll be able to have the Fontan on time. Its so frustrating.

And then I try to remember that God is continuing to work on my patience. That He has a plan for ALL things, and that its His timing, not mine. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, thoughts, and well wishes. Pray that Atticus will feel better soon, and that we'll be able to have his Fontan as scheduled. And feel free to throw one in for mine and Robbie's patience and peace of mind during this time. I'll try to update on Friday, one way or the other. Just remember, Keep on prayin'!

1 comment:

  1. I will keep on praying for all of you. We are still a year out from the Fontan, but I know I will be going through the same feelings as you next year.
