Friday, January 29, 2010

A rough few days

Well, Atticus has had a rough couple of days. He's really swollen again, and his belly is super bloated. He's always mad when he wakes up, and I think it's from the pain of the swelling. His heart rate has also been high, he's been pukey, and he's breathing fast. They increased his methadone (sub for morphine) b/c they thought he might be having withdrawals from the morphine. It seemed to help some. His heart rate went down by about 12 bpm, and his breathing is still a little fast, but better. They're not sure what's causing the swelling though. They're doing ultrasounds and x-rays basically each day. They see some fluid build up in his abdomen, but not a "pocket" that they could place the drain back in to get rid of it. So they're also putting him back on an IV Diaril (sp?) and Lasixs to hopefully help the swelling go down. Please continue to pray for Atticus; he still has a lot of healing to go. Also please pray for Sandy and Gideon. They miss their mommy (and I miss them!), and apparently Sandy was moping and crying around the house all day for me. As I've said before, we know that God has a plan for us. Just pray that we can all be together as a family soon! :)

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